
来源 :档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nbu_james
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基于数字鸿沟理论,当前我国档案信息弱势群体服务工作在“接入沟”和“使用沟”方面已经采取行动,但对于缩短“知识沟”的重要性认识不足,存在着资源缺乏、机制欠佳、服务形式单一、基础设施薄弱、理论研究不足等问题,需要从服务意识、档案收集、服务渠道、业务指导、技术支撑等方面系统地改进和加强。 Based on the theory of digital divide, the current service work of the underprivileged people in archives information in China has already taken some actions in respect of “access to the ditch” and “use of the ditch”, but there is not enough understanding of the importance of shortening the “knowledge ditch” Lack of resources, poor mechanism, single form of service, weak infrastructure and insufficient theoretical research need to be systematically improved and strengthened from the aspects of service awareness, file collection, service channels, business guidance and technical support.