
来源 :当代法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whitewolf1573
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公私融合的身份属性、当下国际关系的结构转型这一背景和多维的双重治理架构决定了主权财富基金的治理的特殊性。“去主权化”不应作为主权财富基金治理的重心,因为将私人投资者作为主权财富基金的行为模板在逻辑上和实践中都是有问题的,而且这将导致忽视主权财富基金成立和运营的经济逻辑和治理的其他向度。在获得国内和国际合法性、商业优势、对成员的声誉产生积极影响,协助成员与利益相关者沟通方面,透明度对主权财富基金的治理发挥了不同程度的作用。但是,透明度依然是一个自我实施的问题,透明度要求不应违背平等和适度的原则,透明度与基金投资的经济动机没有直接的逻辑关联。 The identity of public-private integration, the current context of structural transformation of international relations and the multi-dimensional dual governance structure determine the particularity of the governance of sovereign wealth funds. “Going to Sovereignty” should not be the center of gravity of sovereign wealth funds because the behavioral templates for private investors as sovereign wealth funds are both logically and practically problematic and will lead to the neglect of the establishment of sovereign wealth funds And the economic logic of operations and other dimensions of governance. Transparency has played a variable role in the governance of sovereign wealth funds in gaining domestic and international legitimacy, commercial advantages, having a positive impact on the reputation of members and assisting members in communicating with stakeholders. However, transparency remains a self-enforcing issue. The transparency requirement should not violate the principle of equality and moderation. There is no direct logical connection between transparency and the economic motivation of fund investment.
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学生的习作评语具有评价、激励和导向的多重功效,是提高学生习作能力和认识能力的有效方式。因此,习作评语不仅要帮助学生分 Students ’comments on work assignments have
8月29日 晴  今天,妈妈给我买的新衣服到了。它是红白相间的,红色的地方还有白色的小斑点,是运动衣,穿起来舒舒服服的。这身运动衣又好看又实用。它有很小的缺点,后背的设计很普通,但是不管好看还是难看,只要是妈妈给我买的,我觉得就是最好的衣服。我迫不及待地准备下次体育课就穿上它。可是得经过妈妈的同意啊!没想到妈妈说不行,小心把衣服弄脏了!看来还是我星期六打篮球的时候再问妈妈吧!  山西省阳泉市矿区赛
我国古代花卉诗词具有较深的思想意蕴,它反映了诗人对社会、人生的独到感受和深刻认识,寄托了诗人对完美人格的追求。 The ancient Chinese flower poetry has deep ideologic