随着城市绿化的快速发展,城市面貌正在不断改观,市民的绿化意识正在不断提高,市民的审美情趣、对绿化美化的要求也越来越高。这就要求花坛花卉品种丰富多彩,植株生长健壮、饱满,花色鲜艳,花期长,且抗逆性强。上海园林科研所针对实际需要,从国外引进一些新的露地花卉品种,试种并推广以后,反响较好,现作简要介绍。矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida),茄科矮牵牛属多年生草本,播种后当年开花,常作一年生栽培,有许多变种、变型及品种。春秋均可播种,发芽适温20℃。不耐寒,喜向阳、
With the rapid development of urban greening, the outlook of the city is constantly changing. The public awareness of greening is constantly improving. People’s aesthetic taste and requirements for greening and beautification are also getting higher and higher. This requires a rich variety of flower beds, plants grow robust, full, bright colors, long flowering, and strong resistance. Shanghai Garden Research Institute in response to actual needs, from abroad to introduce some new varieties of open flowers, try and promote later, the response is better, now a brief introduction. Petunia hybrida, a family of perennial herbs of the Solanaceae petunia, flowering in the year after sowing, often for one-year cultivation, with many varieties, variations and varieties. Spring and autumn can sow, germination suitable temperature 20 ℃. Not cold, hi sunny,