随着CPU、内存条、586主板等主要电脑部件以及大容量硬盘、四倍速光驱、16位声卡、电影卡等多媒体外设的大幅度降价,普通中国家庭拥有一台多媒体Pentium(奔腾)级电脑已不再是一个遥远的梦想。而且,由于从CPU到主板、从硬盘到光驱声卡等电脑零部件的货源极其充足、品种繁多且价格平易近人,使得有一定基础知识和技术的电脑爱好者和发烧友们自购散件组装奔腾多媒体电脑成为一种比较现实的选择和主要的购机形式之一。 但是,由于电脑散件市场的庞大无序,各种不同品牌与不同质量、不同价格与不同商家的产品相互都在激烈地争夺市场份额,各种技术战、价格战、广告战等等此起彼伏,往往令大多数对电脑市场所知
With the major computer components such as CPUs, memory modules and 586 mainboards, as well as significant price reductions of multimedia peripherals such as high-capacity hard disks, quad-speed optical drives, 16-bit sound cards and movie cards, ordinary Chinese families have a multimedia Pentium-class computer It is no longer a distant dream. Moreover, due to the availability of computer components ranging from the CPU to the motherboard, from the hard drive to the CD-ROM sound card is extremely adequate, a wide variety and approachable price, so that have a certain basic knowledge and skills of computer enthusiasts and enthusiasts from the purchase of spare parts assembled Pentium multimedia computer Become a more realistic choice and one of the main forms of purchase. However, due to the huge disorder of the market of computer parts, various brands, products with different qualities, different prices and different businesses are fiercely competing for market share, various technical warfare, price warfare, advertising warfare, etc. come and go, Often the majority know about the computer market