The Imperial Oil Company identified and successfully remedied the poor penetration rate of steam in horizontal wells by using stimulation measures to increase production of circulating steam. Imperial Oil Company took part in the application of Horizontal Well Circulation Steam Production (HWCSS) to nine horizontal wells on both sides of the Cold Lake District. Horizontal well completion methods use local entry perforation (LEP) to increase the distribution of steam in the liner. For a block D36 of HWCSS, using four-dimensional seismic and injection analysis to describe the steam penetration along the horizontal section after three rounds of first round, the results show that steam in four fifths of the block flows along the horizontal liner Direction has a good spread rate. However, one of the wells, D36-H1, showed little or no vapor distribution in the second half of the liner. The emergence of such a situation, the recovery of this well can not be guaranteed. After the D36-H1 workover, the problem of sand production that prevented the liner was successfully solved. Subsequent injection of steam showed that the vapor distribution passed most of the liner.