
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingdingdeaiqing86
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(四)新城需要承担重要城市功能,且与中心区分工协作东京新城发展中逐步形成了新城与中心区、新城与新城之间明确的职能分工与合作,各有侧重,互为补充。在传统的银座、千代田等中心区,发挥国际都市的国际金融职能和作为首都的国内政治中枢职能;新宿、涩谷、池袋等主要以商务办公、商业、娱乐、时装、信息和服务业等第三产业为主;东京海湾区副都心计划建设成为世界最大的电讯港、东京国际中心和科学园;多摩新城以居住功能为主,同时兼并商业和文化功 (D) Metro need to undertake important city functions, and the central division of labor cooperation The development of Tokyo Metro gradually formed the new city and the central area, Metro and Metro between the clear division of functions and cooperation, each focusing on each other and complement each other. In the traditional central districts of Ginza and Chiyoda, the international financial functions of the international metropolis and the domestic political center functions as the capital are played out. Shinjuku, Shibuya and Ikebukuro, etc. are mainly operated by commercial offices, commerce, entertainment, fashion, information and services Three industries; Tokyo Bay Area Fukutoshin plan to build the world’s largest telecommunications port, Tokyo International Center and Science Park; Tama New City to residential functions, while merging commercial and cultural power
摘 要:小学语文是传授学生知识与塑造学生人格的主要学科,在小学语文教学中融入游戏元素,可以有效地提高语文教学的效率,增强语文教学的趣味性。将游戏元素巧妙地应用到小学语文的教学中也成为目前小学语文教师探讨的主要问题之一。主要阐述了将游戏元素应用到小学语文教学中的几点原则,并提出了其在语文教学中应用的几点策略。  关键词:游戏元素;小学语文;课堂教学;具体应用  参与游戏是小学生的天性,轻松而愉快的游