A发了一条朋友圈,“让生活更美一些?”配图是粉嫩的玫瑰配芍药、浓郁灿烂的向日葵,往前翻翻,还能看到早前的康乃馨、桔梗、绣球……为自己买一束鲜花放在床头、放在窗前、放在工位,已经成为日常生活中的一种常态。“女孩子总是有点文艺小资情怀的,每天工作抬头就能看到美丽的鲜花,心情都愉快了不少。”她说。目前市场上,提供“鲜花包月”服务的有爱尚鲜花、花点时间、flower plus等品牌,微信、网店及专门的订花APP都可以购买鲜花包月套餐。按市场行情,单品花束的入门价格从每月99~140元不等,最贵
A made a circle of friends, “make life more beautiful? ” With map is a pink rose with peony, rich and brilliant sunflowers, flip forward, you can see earlier carnations, Campanulaceae, hydrangea ... ... Buy a bunch of flowers for yourself on the bed, on the window, on the station, has become a normal in everyday life. “The girl is always a bit of literary petty bourgeoisie, the rise of work every day to see the beautiful flowers, a lot of happy mood. ” She said. Currently on the market, flowers and other flowers, flowers plus brands, WeChat, online shops and specialized staples APP can be purchased monthly flowers package. According to market conditions, the entry price of a single product bouquet from 99 to 140 yuan per month range, the most expensive