酸枣仁为鼠李科植物酸枣Ziziphus jujubaMill.Spinosa(Bunge)Hu ex H.F.Chou干燥成熟种子,为一种具有催眠镇静等作用的中药,多以养心安神药广泛用于临床。本品含有植物油、蛋白质、皂甙、黄酮甙类等多种有效成分,但多认为黄酮甙类为其主要有效成分。可见酸枣仁中黄酮甙类的含量对药品质量有一定的影响,为了探讨炒制(清炒)酸枣仁的意义,笔者进行了不同炒制程度对酸枣仁中黄酮甙类含量影响的实验研究。 1 实验材料和仪器
Suanzaoren is a ripe seed of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou, which is a kind of Chinese medicine with hypnotic and sedative effects. It is widely used in the clinical application of Yangxin Shenshen. This product contains a variety of active ingredients such as vegetable oils, proteins, saponins, glycosides and glycosides, but many glycosides are considered to be the main active ingredients. We can see that the content of flavonoids in Semen zizyphus has a certain influence on the quality of medicines. In order to explore the significance of frying (fried) Suanzaoren, the authors conducted an experimental study on the effect of different frying degrees on the content of flavonoids in Semen Ziziphilum. 1 Experimental materials and instruments