昆明市历史上最大的引水工程主体工程最近宣告竣工,广大市民多年渴望饮用优质水的愿望已初步实现。 春城昆明从70年代初就已步入全国40个严重缺水的城市行列,人均占有水资源量仅为310立方米,适于饮用的优质水极为匮乏。由于缺少水源,昆明市有近50%的生活用水取自遭受严重污染的滇池。这不仅加重了自来水厂的处理负担,同时影响了滇池的治污与开发。
The main project of the largest water diversion project in the history of Kunming City was recently declared completed, and the desire of the general public for years to desire to drink high-quality water has been initially realized. Kunming City of Spring City has entered the ranks of 40 seriously water-scarce cities in the country since the early 1970s. The average amount of water resources per capita is only 310 cubic meters, and the quality of drinking water is extremely scarce. Due to the lack of water sources, nearly 50% of the domestic water in Kunming is taken from Dianchi Lake, which is heavily polluted. This not only increases the processing burden on the water plant, but also affects the pollution control and development of Dianchi Lake.