Hysteresis loop behaviors of ferroelectric thin films: A Monte Carlo simulation study

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lin2009888
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The ferroelectric response of bismuth titanate Bi4Ti3O12(BIT) thin film is studied through a Monte Carlo simulation of hysteresis loops. The ferroelectric system is described by using a Diffour Hamiltonian with three terms: the electric field applied in the z direction, the nearest dipole–dipole interaction in the transversal(x–y) direction, and the nearest dipole–dipole interaction in the direction perpendicular to the thin film(the z axis). In the sample construction, we take into consideration the dipole orientations of the monoclinic and orthorhombic structures that can appear in BIT at low temperature in the ferroelectric state. The effects of temperature, stress, and the concentration of pinned dipole defects are assessed by using the hysteresis loops. The results indicate the changes in the hysteresis area with temperature and stress, and the asymmetric hysteresis loops exhibit evidence of the imprint failure mechanism with the emergence of pinned dipolar defects. The simulated shift in the hysteresis loops conforms to the experimental ferroelectric response. The ferroelectric response of bismuth titanate Bi4Ti3O12 (BIT) thin film is studied through a Monte Carlo simulation of hysteresis loops. The ferroelectric system is described by using a Difficult Hamiltonian with three terms: the electric field applied in the z direction, the nearest dipole- dipole interaction in the transversal (x-y) direction, and the nearest dipole-dipole interaction in the direction perpendicular to the thin film (the z axis). In the sample construction, we take into consideration the dipole orientations of the monoclinic and orthorhombic structures that can appear in BIT at low temperature in the ferroelectric state. The effects of temperature, stress, and the concentration of pinned dipole defects are by by the hysteresis loops. The results indicate the changes in the hysteresis area with temperature and stress, and the asymmetric hysteresis loops exhibit evidence of the imprint failure mechanism with the emergence of pinned dipolar defects. The simu lated shift in the hysteresis loops conforms to the experimental ferroelectric response.
繁简混用,洋汉夹杂,文理不通,生搬硬套,胡编乱造,方言回潮。祖国语言文字遭受污染越来越严重—— Mixed with simple, mixed with foreigners, unreasonable, unlucky, Hu
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