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生产经营单位作为安全生产工作的主体,在认真贯彻实施安全生产法过程中,关键是加强“六大保障”:一、责任保障明确安全管理责任是安全生产管理的重点,也是保障安全生产的基础。《安全生产法》通过明确谁负责、负什么责,强化了安全生产的“责任保障”。《安全生产法》第五条规定:“生产经营单位的主要负责人对本单拉的安全生产工作全面负责。”这就从法律上明确了生产经营单位主要负责人在安全生产中的法律地位。这对于纠正当前部分生产经营单位重生产、轻安全的错误意识,促使生产经营单位的的主要负责人切实担负起安全生产责任具有重要意义。生产经营单位的主要负责人对本单位法定义务,必须坚决履行。通过建立、健全本单位安全生产责任制,将主要负责人的各项安全生产责任逐级分解,做到安全生产层层负责,人人负责,从而 Production and operation of units as the main work of safety in the serious implementation of the safety production process, the key is to strengthen the “six guarantees”: First, a clear responsibility to ensure safety management responsibilities of safety management is the focus of production safety management, but also to ensure safe production Foundation. “Safety Production Law” through clear who is responsible for what responsibility, and strengthen the safety of production “responsibility to protect ”. Article 5 of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safety in Production” stipulates: “The main person in charge of the production and business operation unit shall be fully responsible for the work safety in this labor order.” "This law clarifies the law of safety in production of the principal persons in charge of production and business operation status. This is of great significance for correcting the mistaken awareness of some production units that they are currently re-producing and lightly safe, and forcing the main person in charge of the production and business units to actually take on responsibility for safety in production. The main person in charge of a production and business operation unit must resolutely perform its legal obligations to its own unit. Through establishing and perfecting the responsibility system for production safety of our own units, we gradually decompose the responsibilities for safety production of the main responsible persons so as to be responsible for every level of safety in production and responsible for all persons
婴幼儿泪道阻塞是婴幼儿常见的眼病之一。作者采用冲通术治疗婴幼儿泪道阻塞71例(79眼) ,疗效显著。现报告如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料 本组71例79眼,年龄最大1岁5个月,
本文旨在评价国产伊拉地平胶囊在中国健康受试者体内的耐受性和安全性。单次给药的剂量递增顺序依次为2.5 mg,5 mg,10 mg。其中5 mg剂量组的受试者在完成单次给药试验后需继
“XA”式状态形容词在湘语口语中十分普遍,语素“X”的词汇意义大都已经虚化,有音无义,逐渐演变为一个表程度语法意义的前缀。 “XA ” state adjectives are very common
一、坚持“两条腿”走路。在以综合配套改革试点为起点的第二轮开发开放中,首先解决发展的“动力”问题。在新的形势下,浦东不能靠消耗大量的资源,靠大量、强力的 First, ad
采用拉曼光谱技术结合QuEChERS(Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe)样本前处理建立了黄瓜上吡虫啉残留量的快速检测方法。以进行了不同前处理步骤(乙腈提取、去水
很多人都说佩服我,说这话时我正筹备开个跆拳道馆,一无资金,二无知名度,三无稳定生源……我明白,佩服里更多的是担心和怀疑。那时,我不过20岁,才大四。接触跆拳道是在17岁的那年,我对“拳道合一”的跆拳道精神入了迷,很快成为重庆市内较优秀的业余学员。然而,我想要的,并不仅仅如此。我以黑带二段的资历去健身房打工。每天一边给别人上课一边偷学健身房的运作模式,不久,我学成出“师”。  但是,真的站在起跑线上