在中国地质大学(北京)宇光研究所的艺石、观赏石陈列中,有一件造型独特深灰色的奇石,引起人们的注意。它就是被称为独一无二,具有很高观赏和收藏价值,以及极高科学研究价值的世界极品——闪电熔岩。 1995年,随着一声骇人心魄的雷声,闪电过后,北京市顺义县境内的潮白河沙滩附近的高压线被击断,周围顿时漆黑一团。赶来抢修的几名电工,在出事地点发现高压线被截去2米多长,它的正下方有一隆起半米高的沙堆,抓开看时,竟是一个高约30厘米树根状的奇石。
In China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Yuguang Institute of art stone, ornamental stone display, there is a unique shape of dark gray rocks, aroused the attention of people. It is known as the unique, has a high ornamental and collectible value, as well as the highest scientific value of the world need - lightning lava. In 1995, with an appalling thunder and lightning, the high-voltage lines near Chaobaihe Beach in Shunyi County of Beijing were hit and the surrounding area suddenly dark. Several electrician who came to repair, found in the place of the high-voltage line is cut off 2 meters long, just below it there is a half-meter uplift of the sand pile, grabbed to see, was actually a height of about 30 cm tree root Kistler.