Dielectrophoretic assembly of ZnO nanowires

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangweifeng111222
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The synthesis of zinc oxide(ZnO) nanowires is achieved by vapor phase transportation(VPT) method.The designed quartz tube,whose both ends are narrow and the middle is wider,is used to control the growth of ZnO nanowires.Dielectrophoresis(DEP) method is employed to align and manipulate ZnO nanowires which are ultrasonic dispersed and suspended in ethanol solution.Under the dielectrophoretic force,the nanowires are trapped on the pre-patterned electrodes,and further aligned along the electric field and bridge the electrode gap.The dependence of the alignment yield on the applied voltage and frequency is investigated. The synthesis of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires is achieved by vapor phase transportation (VPT) method. Designed quartz tube, whose both ends are narrow and the middle is wider, is used to control the growth of ZnO nanowires. Dielectrophoresis (DEP) method is employed to align and manipulate ZnO nanowires which are ultrasonic dispersed and suspended in ethanol solution. Under the dielectrophoretic force, the nanowires are trapped on the pre-patterned electrodes, and further aligned along the electric field and bridge the electrode gap. dependence of the alignment yield on the applied voltage and frequency is investigated.
一台柳工20 t振动压路机,压装了1根振动马达到泵的高压胶管,使用一星期后出现了没有强振的故障,继续使用2天后弱振也没有了。经检查液压油里有很多金属末,并发现振动马达内部
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