Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Particles PZT Ferroelectric Thin Films by RF-Magnetron Sput

来源 :Transactions of Tianjin University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhxsst
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Pt/Ti bottom electrodes were fabricated on SiO2/Si substrates by magnetron dual-facing-target sputtering system. Lead zirconate titanate(PZT) thin films were deposited on Pt/Ti/ SiO2/Si substrates by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering system. The thickness of PZT thin films which were deposited for 5 h was about 800 nm. XRD spectra show that PZT thin films deposited in Ar ambience and rapid-thermal-annealed for 20 min at 700 ℃ have good crystallization behavior and perovskite structure. AFM micrographs show that mean diameter of crystallites is 70 nm and surface structures of PZT thin films are uniform and dense. Raw mean, root mean square roughness and mean roughness of PZT thin films are 34.357 nm, 2.479 nm and 1.954 nm respectively. As test frequency is 1 kHz, dielectric constant of PZT thin films is 327.6. Electric hysteresis loop shows that coercive field strength, residual polarization strength and spontaneous polarization strength of PZT thin films are 50 kV/cm, 10 μC/cm2 and 13 μC/cm2 respectively. Pt / Ti substrates were deposited on SiO2 / Si substrates by magnetron dual-facing-target sputtering system. Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin films deposited on Pt / Ti / SiO2 / Si substrates by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering system . The thickness of PZT thin films which were deposited for 5 h was about 800 nm. XRD spectra show that PZT thin films deposited in Ar ambience and rapid-thermal-annealed for 20 min at 700 ° C have good crystallization behavior and perovskite structures. AFM micrographs show that mean diameter of crystallites is 70 nm and surface structures of PZT thin films are uniform and dense respectively. The mean mean square roughness and mean roughness of PZT thin films are 34.357 nm, 2.479 nm and 1.954 respectively. is 1 kHz and the dielectric constant of PZT thin films is 327.6. Electric hysteresis loop shows that the coercive field strength, residual polarization strength and spontaneous polarization strength of PZT thin films are 50 kV / cm, 10 μC / cm2 and 13 μC / cm2 respectively.
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