Phrase-Level Sentiment Polarity Classification Using Rule-Based Typed Dependencies and Additional Co

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxy153
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The advent of Web 2.0 has led to an increase in user-generated content on the Web. This has provided an extensive collection of free-style texts with opinion expressions that could influence the decisions and actions of their readters.Providers of such content exert a certain level of influence on the receivers and this is evident from blog sites having effect on their readers’ purchase decisions,political view points,financial planning,and others.By detecting the opinion expressed,we can identify the sentiments on the topics discussed and the influence exerted on the readers.In this paper,we introduce an automatic approach in deriving polarity patt rules to detect sentiment polarity at the phrase level,and in addition consider the effects of the more complex relationships found between words in sentiment polarity classification.Recent sentiment analysis research has focused on the functional relations of words using typed dependency parsing,providing a refined analysis on the grammar and semantics of textual data.Heuristics are typically used to determine the typed dependency polarity patts,which may not comprehensively identify all possible rules.We study the use of class sequential rules (CSRs) to automatically le the typed dependency patts,and benchmark the performance of CSR against a heuristic method.Preliminary results show CSR leads to further improvements in classification performance achieving over 80% F1 scores in the test cases.In addition,we observe more complex relationships between words that could influence phrase sentiment polarity,and further discuss on possible approaches to handle the effects of these complex relationships.
2017年12月4日,主题为“信息互联 融合发展”的2017中国工程机械技术发展高峰论坛(CTO论坛)在长沙盛大举行.rn大伽齐聚 共襄盛举rn工信部信软司两化融合处处长王建伟,中国工
本刊讯:10月22日下午,第八届中国国际农产品交易会和第三届中国郑州农业博览会在热烈的气氛中圆满的落下了帷幕。本次展会吉林省获得了最佳组织和最佳设计二个金奖,吉林市东福米业有限责任公司等9家企业的10种产品获得农产品金奖。河南省副省长刘满仓和农业部总经济师张玉香等相关人士出席了颁奖仪式。  据了解,在本届农交会上,来自各省(区、市)、新疆生产建设兵团、台湾的33个展团,近70家农业产业化龙头企业以