【摘 要】
Cybernetics as a science to improve efficiency, with the continuous development of teaching reform, continue to be applied in teaching practice. As one of the important disciplines in colleges and universities, science chemistry has the characteristics of high difficulty of knowledge acquisition, difficulty of learning and low interest of students. This article starts with the teaching of science chemistry in colleges and universities and analyzes how to apply the theory of control to improve the teaching level of science chemistry in colleges and universities.
20 0 1年 9月 ,湖北省武当山特区志办与特区门票管理处联合设计开发的武当山精品扑克正式出品 ,这是继 2 0 0 0年“武当山交通旅游图 (新版 )”之后 ,武当山志办参与地方经济
关口的关 ,古代指为过境上的门户 ,一般设于交通要隘之处 ,水陆咽喉之地 ,“立于此 ,交于彼曰关”(《说文》)。立关的地方 ,往往山形水势十分险要 ,筑城设卡 ,屯以重兵 ,可谓“
Two new compounds, namely taenialactam C and globorin A(1 and 2), as well as six known compounds,cornoside(3), 2-phenylethyl-b-D-glucoside(4), 3-isopropyl-5-ace
BACKGROUND: A single intrapartum dose of nevirapine for the prevention of moth er-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) leads to the se l
This study was undertaken to assess t he effectiveness of glyceryl trinitrate(GTN)patches in comparison withβ2sympathomimetics(β2)for the treatment of preterm