引子 1988年12月13日,从北京传来一条电讯:遵义县南白区供销社主任赵朝先被中华人民共和国商业部授予“全国优秀商业企业主任”称号。旋即,又被国务院评为全国劳动模范。一时,在遵义地区,乃举全省的供销企业界,引起不小震动。上上下下、大大小小的供销社主任们,谁的心里没有谱呢?那些时日,《中国商业报》、《经济日报》、《经济参考》、《商业文摘》等报刊披露的全国百分之七十的基层供销社不够保本,供销社面临建国以来的经济大滑坡的消息还记忆犹新。供销社主任们
On December 13, 1988, a telecommunications from Beijing came: Zhao Zhaoxian, director of the Supply and Marketing Department of Nanba District, Zunyi County, was awarded the title of “Director of National Excellent Commercial Enterprises” by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China. Immediately, again by the State Council as the national model worker. Moment, in Zunyi region, is the province’s supply and marketing business community, causing no small shock. Up and down, large and small supply and marketing agency directors, who do not mind the spectrum? Those days, “China Business Daily”, “Economic Daily”, “Economic Reference”, “Business Digest” and other newspapers disclosed 100 Seventy per cent of grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives are not guaranteed, and the news that the supply and marketing cooperatives have faced the economic downturn since the founding of the PRC remains fresh in their memory. Supply and marketing agency directors