Study of Cellular Experiment of Electric Pulse Imposed on Cancer Cell

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlh888617
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The objective of the study is the cytocidal and inhibitory effect of energy-controllable pulse on ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3. Ovarian cancer cell suspension were treated by electric pulse with different parameters. The inhibitory rate (IR) was assayed by modified colorimetric MTT methods, the growth curves of two test groups and one control group were also measured, and the ultrastructural changes were observed under electron microscopy (EM) and scan electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the treated SKOV3 cell proliferated more slowly. IR was increased with the enhancement of pulse parameters. The ultrastructural study showed that morphological changes occurred obviously. Swollen mitochondria, fractured ridges, cyto-plasmic vacuoles and membrane holes appeared in most of the processed cells, and a part of bilayer membrane was ruptured. It is indicated that irreversible electric breakdown occurred in some of the treated cells, and the electric pulse could kill cancer cell and inhibit its recove The objective of the study is the cytocidal and inhibitory effect of energy-controllable pulses on ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3. Ovarian cancer cell suspension were treated by electric pulse with different parameters. The inhibitory rate (IR) was assayed by modified colorimetric MTT methods, the growth curves of two test groups and one control group also also measured, and the ultrastructural changes were observed under electron microscopy (EM) and scan electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the treated SKOV3 cell proliferated more slowly. The ultrastructural study showed that morphological changes occurred obviously. Swollen mitochondria, fractured ridges, cyto-plasmic vacuoles and membrane cells appeared most of the processed cells, and a part of bilayer membrane was ruptured. It is indicated that irreversible electric breakdown occurred in some of the treated cells, and the electric pulse could kill cancer cell and inhibit its recove
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