编辑同志: 贵刊在一九八一年第十二期上登载了《一稿两投要不得》的文章,对于一稿两投的现象进行了严厉的批评,这个批评提得十分好,因为现在一稿两投(或三投等等)的现象是不少的。但是,令人惊讶的是,就在这一期上有一篇名为《军事题材影片中的军语、军容、军纪》的文章,竟与《电影故事》一九八二年第一期上的《战争题材影片的几个问题》一文相同。真让人感到遗憾。希望贵刊编辑今后要严格把关,不要让一
Editor’s Comrade: In your twelfth issue in 1981, your magazine published an article entitled “No More Than One Manuscript”, and harshly criticized the phenomenon of “one manuscript two vote.” This criticism is very good because now A draft two vote (or three cast, etc.) is a lot of the phenomenon. However, it is surprising that in this issue there is an article entitled “Military Terms, Military Content, and Military Discipline in the Film of Military Themes,” which is similar to the one in the first issue of “The Movie Story” in 1982 The same is true of “several issues in the war film.” It is really regrettable. I hope your editor to strict future checks, do not let one