A new demodulation technique for optical fiber interferometric sensors with[3×3]directional couplers

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaipsjz
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Optical fiber interferometric sensors based on[3×3]couplers have been used in many fields.A new technique is proposed to demodulate output signals of this kind of sensors.The technique recovers the signal of interest by fitting coefficients of elliptic(Lissajous)curves between each fiber pair.Different from other approaches,this technique eliminates the dependence on the idealization of[3×3]coupler,provides enhanced tolerance to the variance of photoelectric converters.and is anti-polarization in a certain extent. The main algorithm has been successfully demonstrated both by numerical simulation and experimental result. Optical fiber interferometric sensors based on [3 × 3] couplers have been used in many fields. A new technique is proposed to demodulate output signals of this kind of sensors. The technique recovers the signal of interest by fitting coefficients of elliptic (Lissajous) curves between each fiber pair. Different from other approaches, this technique eliminates the dependence on the idealization of [3 × 3] coupler, provides enhanced tolerance to the variance of photoelectric converters. and is anti-polarization in a certain extent. The main algorithm has been successfully demonstrated both by numerical simulation and experimental result.
从拉美70年代以来的经济发展中,可以看到来自内部和外部两方面的影响,两者相互作用,交替影响,是拉美经济在80年代初陷入危机的根源所在。 90年代拉美经济发展将面临十分严峻
郝旭东 1959年生于北京。1986年毕业于中央工艺美术学院,同年在中国服装研究设计中心从事服装设计工作。1991年赴美国纽约学习服装设计与艺术。1993年在中国服装研究设计中心
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