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“如果今天我‘借’了公家的钱,明天也许我就可能有了独吞的念头。组织的东西、党的财产,比生命还重要,我们是共产党员,决不能向它伸手!”每一次到重庆,我总要到红岩烈士墓前去拜谒那些长眠在那里的先烈。前不久再次来到烈士墓时,不知何故,有一位与江姐一起被敌人残害的“红小鬼”烈士的一句话,总在我耳边回响——“呸,即使你们搬来金山,也别想换走我的信仰!”我所说的“红小鬼”真名叫袁尊一,1949年11月14日同 If today I borrowed public money, maybe tomorrow I may have the thought of being alone.Organization, the property of the party is more important than life, we are Communists, and we must never reach out to it! Every time I come to Chongqing, I always go to the tomb of Hongyan martyrs to pay homage to those martyrs who sleep there. Not long ago, once again came to the martyrs’ tomb, somehow, there was a “red devil” martyr with Jiang Jie remnants of the remnants of the word, always echoed in my ears - “呸, even if you move Jinshan , Do not want to change my faith! ”I said “ red devil ”real name is Yuan Zunyi, November 14, 1949