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正是花明柳暗的暮春时节,2000年4月28日中国美术馆迎来了“迎接新世纪工笔画展”,这是继去年举办的第四届全国工笔画展之后的又一次工笔画盛会。本展览集中展示了全国工笔画家的160余件新作,其中有不少出自近年涌现的年轻而有才华的新人之手。 改革开放以来,我国工笔重彩画迎来真正百花齐放的灿烂春天,这是中国当代美术事业的重大成果,值得为之骄傲。工笔重彩绘画在我国有数千年的悠久历史,在长沙马王堆汉墓出土又物中就有极其完美的工笔人物画作品,证明我国丹青重彩之笔有着更为悠久的发展过程。在唐宋时代是它的发展高峰,出现了许多名家并且有不少珍品辗转流传至今,成为我国民族又化的瑰宝。在元代以后,由于文人水墨画的兴起,这种艺术遂告衰落,但是它由于受到广大人民的喜爱,仍能传承不绝,终于在20世纪又被重视,经过几辈著名画家的发掘、研究,更由于敦煌壁画的发现,都使工笔画的重彩登上艺术舞台有了良好基础。建国以后,工笔重彩艺术有了更好的恢复的条件,各艺术院校都有专修课程,为后来的发展打下良好基础。改革开放的大好气候,使工笔画如雨后春笋般在广大土地上茁壮成长,并且放开吸收古今中外一切有益的营养,其视野疆域也迅速扩大,题材广泛,技法手段丰富,色彩富丽,风格多样,人才辈出。可以说,? It was the late spring blooming season of Mingliu. On April 28, 2000, the National Art Museum of China ushered in the “Fine Arts Exhibition in the New Century.” It was another vignette after the Fourth National Fine Art Exhibition held last year. The exhibition shows more than 160 new works by national painters, many of them from the young and talented newcomers emerging in recent years. Since the reform and opening up, the brilliant spring painting of our country has received a real flourish, which is a major achievement of the contemporary Chinese art cause and deserves to be proud of. Meticulous painting in our country has a long history of thousands of years, unearthed in the Mawangdui tomb in Changsha, there are extremely perfect works of fine brushwork, proof of the great color of our country has a more long-term development process. In the Tang and Song dynasties, it was the peak of its development. Many famous people appeared and many treasures circulated so far became the treasures of our country. Since the Yuan Dynasty, due to the rise of the literati ink painting, the art then declined. However, due to the popularity of the vast majority of the people, the art still survived and was finally valued in the 20th century. After several generations of famous painters’ excavations and studies , But also because of the discovery of Dunhuang murals, have made the heavy stroke of the painting stroke the art stage has a good foundation. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the fine art of fine workmanship had a better condition for the restoration. All arts colleges had specialized courses that laid a good foundation for their later development. The great climate of reform and opening up has enabled the vigorous strokes of mushrooms to mushroomed on vast areas of land and the release of all beneficial nutrition at all times and in all countries. The territory of its vision has also expanded rapidly with extensive themes, rich techniques, rich colors, diverse styles, Talents come forth. It can be said,?
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