Current molecular methods for the detection of hepatitis C virus in high risk group population:A sys

来源 :World Journal of Virology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchen19880908
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Hepatitis C virus(HCV) is an emerging infection worldwide and the numbers of persons infected are increasing every year. Poor blood transfusion methods along with unsafe injection practices are potential sources for the rapid spread of infection. Early detection of HCV is the need of the hour especially in high riskgroup population as these individuals are severely immunocompromised. Enzyme Immunoassays are the most common detection techniques but they provide no evidence of active viremia or identification of infected individuals in the antibody-negative phase and their efficacy is limited in individuals within high risk group population. Molecular virological techniques have an important role in detecting active infection with utmost specificity and sensitivity. Technologies for assessment of HCV antibody and RNA levels have improved remarkably, as well as our understanding of how to best use these tests in patient management. This review aims to give an overview of the different serological and molecular methods employed in detecting HCV infection used nowadays. Additionally, the review gives an insight in the new molecular techniques that are being developed to improve the detection techniques particularly in High Risk Group population who are severely immunocompromised. Poor blood transfusion methods along with unsafe injection practices are potential sources for the rapid spread of infection. Early detection of HCV is the need of the hour especially in high riskgroup population as these individuals are severely immunocompromised but they provide no evidence of active viremia or identification of infected individuals in the antibody-negative phase and their efficacy is limited in individuals within high risk group population. Molecular virological techniques have an important role in detecting active infection with utmost specificity and sensitivity. Technologies for assessment of HCV antibody and RNA levels have improved remarkably, as well as our understanding of how to best use these tests in patient management. This review aims to give an overview of the different ser ological and molecular methods employed in detecting HCV infection used nowadays. Additionally, the review gives an insight in the new molecular techniques that are being developed to improve the detection techniques particularly in High Risk Group population who are severely immunocompromised.
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