April 15, 2001, as the head of marketing department of Yanghe Group in Jiangsu, I was arranged by the company to plan the forthcoming national sugar and liquor fair to be held in Zhengzhou in October. On April 16, we came to Zhengzhou to carry out the preliminary research work. Although psychologically prepared in advance, we were shocked by the abrupt price hikes and advertisement prices in Zhengzhou. The price of an ordinary three-star hotel was carried over 12,000 yuan, the price of the general location of the exhibition hall is about 100,000. According to this situation, I roughly estimate a bit, according to the pre-designed results to predict the total investment of our company at least 3 million yuan. This greatly exceeded our budget. What should we do? On the one hand, we talk to advertising agencies, examine one place after another, understand all aspects of the market, and start looking for alternative ways.