Response to climate changes in radial growth of Picea crassifolia in the Qilian mountains of northwe

来源 :Forest Science and Practice | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cythcle
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In order to investigate the response to climate changes in radial growth of Picea crassifolia at the lower tree line in the middle Qilian mountains in northwestern China, relationships of standardized chronologies of annual ring, earlywood and latewood widths with mean monthly temperature and total monthly precipitation were analyzed by ways of correlation and pointer year analyses. The results show that annual ring, earlywood and latewood widths are significantly negatively correlated with mean monthly temperature in June and July. Annual ring and earlywood widths are significantly and positively correlated with total monthly precipitation in March, May and June and negatively correlated with total monthly precipitation in September. Latewood width is less sensitive to climate changes than the width of earlywood and insignificantly sensitive to precipitation. The results of pointer year analysis revealed that when summer temperatures are higher than the mean summer temperature synchronization and the summer precipitation lower than mean summer precipitation synchronization, narrow annual rings are formed. Wide annual rings are formed when summer temperatures are lower than the mean summer temperature synchronization and summer precipitation higher than mean summer precipitation synchronization. The results indicate that more precipitation in the spring and summer is helpful for radial growth while warmer summer restricts radial growth of P. crassifolia at the lower tree line in the middle Qilian mountains. In order to investigate the response to climate changes in radial growth of Picea crassifolia at the lower tree line in the middle Qilian mountains in northwestern China, relationships of standardized chronologies of annual ring, earlywood and latewood widths with mean monthly temperature and total monthly precipitation were analyzed by ways of correlation and pointer year analyzes. The results show that annual ring, earlywood and latewood widths are significantly negatively correlated with the mean monthly temperature in June and July. Annual ring and earlywood widths are significantly and positively correlated with total monthly precipitation in March , May and June and negatively correlated with total monthly precipitation in September. Latewood width is less sensitive to climate changes than the width of earlywood and insignificantly sensitive to precipitation. The results of pointer year analysis revealed that when summer temperatures are higher than the mean summer temperature synchro nization and the summer precipitation lower than mean summer precipitation synchronization, narrow annual rings are formed. in the spring and summer is helpful for radial growth while warmer summer restrictive radial growth of P. crassifolia at the lower tree line in the middle Qilian mountains.
近几年,特别是党的十八大以来,国家将深化农村改革作为重点工作,中央一号文件都将深化农村集体资产产权制度改革列入每年农业农村工作的重点。双滦区从2012年开始积极探索推进农村集体资产产权制度改革工作,并取得了良好的成效,实现了产权清晰,农民当股东,壮大农村集体经济实力,增加农民收入,促进农村发展的目的。本人一直在基层从事此项工作,并进行了认真总结思考,对农村集体资产产权制度改革有了些认识。  一、背
目的 探讨冠心病患者接受介入治疗前后心脏变时性改变及其临床价值。方法记录冠心病患者治疗前后心脏变时性指标,包括运动最高心率与预测最大心率值之比( rHR)、变时性指数( CRI)和心率储备率( HRR),并记录冠状动脉造影检查( CAG)结果及Gensini评分。 LSD-t检验对比分析不同类型冠心病患者心脏变时性指标差异;接受介入治疗的患者,行独立两样本t检验比较治疗前后心脏变时性指标差异;介入
1病历摘要男,58岁。因突发胸痛,意识障碍,右侧肢体运动失灵1个月伴胸闷,气短,呼吸困难,于2006-02-23入院,既往高血压病史5~6 a,血压最高曾达到220/130 mm Hg。1个月前突发持