对于世界来讲,圣彼得堡(曾易名列宁格勒)并不是一个陌生的荒漠,她不仅仅是沙皇时期的政治文化中心,也由于许多名人志士的光临,而成为俄罗斯悠久文化艺术的象征。回顾以往,著名诗人普希金曾拜访过此城;音乐大师柴科夫斯基在这里举办了他生前的最后一场音乐会;拉赫玛尼诺夫在这里献上了他的《第二钢琴协奏曲》;而她的音乐团体——圣彼得堡爱乐乐团(前列宁格勒爱乐乐团)也诞生于此。 1990年12月,扬松斯和鲁迪这两位音乐家带着与俄罗斯文化难以割舍的情丝,悄然地来到了圣彼得堡。此次,扬松斯和鲁迪将与他们的俄罗斯同行合作共同录制柴科夫斯基的《降B小调第一钢琴协奏曲》(作品23号)和拉赫玛尼诺夫的《C小调第二钢琴协奏曲》(作品18号)。他们的到来,给寒冷的城市带来了一
For the world, St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) is not a strange desert. She is not only a political and cultural center of the tsarist era, but also a symbol of the long history of Russian art and culture due to the presence of many celebrities. Recalling the past, the famous poet Pushkin had visited the city; music master Tchaikovsky here held his last concert; Rachmaninoff here presented his “Piano Concerto No. 2” ; And her musical group, St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra (former Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra) was born here. In December 1990, the two musicians, Jansson and Rudy, quietly arrived in St. Petersburg with the slightest sentiment that they could not leave with Russian culture. This time, Jansson and Rudy will work together with their Russian counterparts to record Tchaikovsky’s “Piano Concerto No. 1 in B minor” (number 23) and Rachmaninoff’s “C minor Two Piano Concerto ”(number 18). Their arrival brought one to the cold city