年末岁首,正是评先评优的时候。有一种倾向值得注意,这就是某些领导喜欢通过听汇报,看报表来判定一个干部工作的好差和单位形象的俊丑。 殊不知,有的人为了某种个人目的,在填写报表,汇报工作时,掺水使假,任意拔高,弄得领导好坏难分,真伪不辨。因此,在考评干部时,不
The end of the year, it is the first evaluation of the time. There is a tendency to note that this is what some leaders like to judge by reporting reports and judging the good work and the image of a cadre. As everyone knows, some people for some kind of personal purpose, when filling out the statements and reporting the work, add water to make fake, arbitrarily high, making the leadership is good or bad, the authenticity does not distinguish. Therefore, when examining cadres, no