微机培训在职工教育中是一大热点,但在少数地方程度不等地存在着组织不严密、管理不严格的现象,若不及时纠正,防患于未然,势必会影响培训的质量。根据本人在工作实践中的体会,感到必须把好“三关”,才能保证微机的培训质量。 一、严格审定培训资格,把好申办关。不管是公办还是民办,不管是初级班还是中级班,都应报经地市以上有关部门审定,认真组织验收,视办学能力确定资格规模,
Microcomputer training is a hot topic in the education of staff and workers. However, in a few places, the organization is not well-organized and the management is not strict. If not corrected in time and take preventive measures, the quality of training is bound to be affected. According to my experience in the work of practice, I feel that we must take a good “three off” in order to ensure the quality of computer training. First, rigorous validation of training qualifications, to apply for good off. Whether public or private, whether it is primary or intermediate classes, should be reported to the relevant departments above the market validation, careful organization and acceptance, depending on the ability to determine the eligibility of education,