患儿女,因“胎龄29+6周,生后呻吟、呼吸困难20 min”由产科转入新生儿科。患儿系第1胎第1产,双胎之大。其母因“甲状腺功能亢进,胎膜早破4天”行剖宫产娩出。羊水清亮,生后无窒息。入院查体:T 36.5℃,HR 137次/min,RR65次/min,BP 57/27 mm Hg,出生体重1 150 g。呼吸急促,可见吸气三凹征,呻吟明显,皮肤发绀,双肺呼吸音低,未闻及啰音,心音有力,未闻及杂音,腹平坦,肝脾肋下未及,四肢肌张力低,拥抱反射不完整。
Children with children, because “gestational age 29 + 6 weeks, moan after birth, breathing difficulties 20min ” transferred from obstetrics to neonatology. The first child of the first birth in children with twins. The mother because “hyperthyroidism, premature rupture of membranes 4 days ” cesarean delivery. Amniotic fluid, no suffocation after birth. Admission examination: T 36.5 ℃, HR 137 beats / min, RR 65 beats / min, BP 57/27 mm Hg, birth weight 1 150 g. Shortness of breath, we can see three concave sign of inhalation, obvious moaning, skin cyanosis, lung breath sounds low, no smell and rales, strong heart sounds, no smell and noise, flat belly, liver and spleen ribs, limb muscle tension low Embrace reflection is not complete.