蓝舌病又称伪口蹄疫,是一种很难防治,诊断极复杂的反刍动物流行性病毒病。直到现在还没有明确的检疫方法及经济有效的防治措施。有一种小蚊(Culicoides varipennis)是蓝舌病毒的主要传染媒介,因为蓝舌病毒与红血细胞是密切相联的。在疫区常可大批地
Blue tongue disease, also known as pseudo-foot-and-mouth disease, is a very difficult to control, diagnosis of very complex ruminant epidemic virus disease. Until now there is no clear method of quarantine and cost-effective prevention and treatment measures. There is a mosquito (Culicoides varipennis) is the main vector of blue tongue virus, because the blue tongue virus and red blood cells are closely linked. In the epidemic area can often be large