
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongyemeigui
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化肥、农药市场随着中国经济的发展进入买方市场后,一些化肥、农药的大企业、老企业的领导者认为搞农用化工搞到了头,企业要发展,只能向别的方面使劲。于是他们纷纷转向了其它行业,资金、人才的投入都转了向,干起了他们并不熟悉的行当。毫无疑问,向多行业发展并不错,而且是我国老企业、大企业持续发展的一大出路。但这并不意味着农用化工产品搞到了头,而是仍然大有可为,值得我国的农用化工企 With the development of China’s economy, the fertilizer and pesticide markets enter the buyer’s market. Some big companies and leaders of old companies in chemical fertilizers and pesticides think that the agricultural chemical industry has come to the fore and the company must develop in other ways. As a result, they turned to other industries. The investment in capital and talent has turned and they have done something they are not familiar with. Undoubtedly, it is good to develop in many industries, and it is also a major outlet for the continuous development of old and large enterprises in China. However, this does not mean that agricultural chemical products have reached their heads, but that they are still promising and worthy of our country’s agricultural chemical enterprises.
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