一、阑尾结石误诊为输尿管结石:男,28岁。突感右下腹绞痛,似刀割,在床上翻滚不安,站立时疼痛加重且向膀胱区放射。疼痛发作时伴有尿意,无尿频.尿急、尿痛,两天后转为右下腹持续性隐痛.T37℃,WBC7800(中性73%);尿混浊,白细胞(十).腹平软,右下腹部深触痛,腹平片:右第一骶椎孔上方有约0.5×0.(?)cm 高密度椭圆形阴影,边缘清楚.以输尿管结石住院.静脉肾盂造影右侧输尿管结石,术中右侧输尿管未触到结石,切开腹膜见阑尾长约15cm,与周围粘连,尖部可触到结石.行阑尾切除术,从阑尾腔内取出一坚硬灰白色花生样大结石.
First, the appendix stones misdiagnosed as ureteral stones: male, 28 years old. Sudden sense of right lower quadrant angina, like a knife cut, restless in bed, standing pain and radiation to the bladder area. Urethral irritation, dysuria, persistent pain of the right lower abdomen after two days, T37 ℃, WBC7800 (73% neutral), urine turbidity, white blood cells (ten) Lower abdomen deep tenderness, abdominal plain film: right above the first sacral foramen there is about 0.5 × 0 (?) Cm high-density oval shadows, clear edges. Ureteral calculi hospitalization .Vehicle right ureteral calculi, surgery In the right ureter did not touch the calculus, cut the peritoneum see the appendix about 15cm, with the surrounding adhesions, the tip can reach the stone .Appendix appendectomy, remove a hard gray peanut-like large stones from the appendix cavity.