细粒精矿的脱水一般都采用浓缩和过滤两个工艺过程。浓缩面积的确定,通常用以下三种方法: 试验法。即取不同浓度的矿浆进行静止沉降试验,分别计算其浓缩面积,选取最大值作所需沉降面积。类比法。即按照类似选厂的指标,选取所需的浓缩面积。即 F=Q/q 式中 F——所需浓缩面积,米~2 Q——给入浓缩机的矿量,吨/日 q——类似选厂指标,吨/日米~2 按溢流中最大颗粒沉降速度计算面积法。
Fine concentrate dehydration are generally concentrated and filtered using two processes. Determination of concentrated area, usually the following three methods: test method. Take different concentrations of pulp for static sedimentation test, respectively, calculate the concentration area, select the maximum value for the required settlement area. Analogy. That is, according to the similar selection of factory indicators, select the required concentration area. Ie F = Q / q Where F - the required concentration area, m ~ 2 Q - amount of ore to the thickener, ton / day q - similar to the selected plant indicators, ton / In the largest particle settling velocity calculation area method.