我们根据群众反映,经过实地考查,在柴达木盆地香日德附近发现了4,900多亩杨树林,根据四川省林科所良能工程师提供的资料,并经西北植物研究所于兆英副所长等协助鉴定,确认为青海杨(Populas Przewalskii Maxim)。一、形态特征大乔木,高达20米以上,胸径可达80厘米。树皮灰棕红色,老龄灰褐色,厚达3—8厘米,纵裂明显,不显剥落。小枝纤细,当年生黄绿色,2年生黄褐色,老枝灰褐色。叶椭圆卵形,
According to the masses, we conducted an on-the-spot investigation and found 4,900 mu of poplar grove near Xiangjide in the Qaidam Basin. According to the information provided by the good engineers at the Linke Institute in Sichuan Province and by the vice director of Northwest Institute of Botany, Assisted identification, confirmed as Qinghai Yang (Populas Przewalskii Maxim). First, the morphological characteristics of large trees, up to 20 meters or more, diameter up to 80 cm. Bark beige red, old brown, thick 3-8 cm, longitudinal crack obvious, no significant flaking. Branchlets slender, then yellow-green, 2-year-old brown, old branch gray-brown. Leaves oval-shaped,