言语性幻听(auditory verbal hallucinations, AVHs)是常见幻听类型之一,多见于精神分裂症患者,其发病机制尚不清楚,且现有的治疗方法对难治性AVHs疗效欠佳。近年来,阿凡达疗法用于治疗AVHs越来越受学界关注。研究表明阿凡达疗法可以明显改善幻听声音频率、痛苦、持续时间、对声音来源的信念等方面,提高患者的预后。基于此,我们对阿凡达疗法治疗AVHs的相关研究进行综述,为探究AVHs的发病机制、治疗、预后提供新思路。“,”As one of the common types of hallucinations, auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs) frequently occur across multiple psychiatric diseases especially in patients with schizophrenia (SCZ). Nevertheless, the a etiology and pathogenesis of it remain unclear. Currently, several interventions showed limited efficacy in treating AVHs. AVATAR therapy aiding for AVHs in people with psychosis has received growing attention during the past few years. Previous studies indicated that AVATAR therapy could significantly alleviate the frequency, duration, beliefs re-origin of voices and intensity of distress. Therefore, the current study systematically reviewed AVATAR therapy for AVHs, including the specific therapy processes, limitations in existing literature, and future research and clinical implications, to improve the clinical treatment and provide insights for exploring the pathogenesis, and prognosis of AVHs.