在川西平原腹地、成都市北郊、国营凤凰山畜牧园艺场内,新建起一片红色厂房,与满山青翠的桔林,遍坡活跃的黑白花牛群,以及苗圃里精心培育久负盛名的芙蓉花,相映成趣,惹人注目! 就是这个新建的液氮容器厂,正在生产誉满全国的金凤牌液氮容器。它仅仅建厂三年,便获得成都市优质产品奖,被农垦部评选为全国先进集体的红旗单位。液氮容器是贮存液态氮的专用容器,液态氮沸点(即液体温度)为摄氏零下195.8度,容易挥发,不易贮存。专门贮存液氮的
In the hinterland of West Sichuan Plain, northern suburbs of Chengdu, and the state-run Phoenix Mountain Livestock Farming and Horticultural Farm, a red factory building has been newly built, and well-established hibiscus flowers have been carefully cultivated with the green forests in the mountains, the active black-and-white flocks, and the nurseries. The new liquid nitrogen container plant is producing Jinfeng brand liquid nitrogen containers that are well-known throughout the country. Only three years after its establishment, it won the Chengdu Quality Product Award and was selected by the Ministry of Land Reclamation as the red flag unit of the nation’s advanced collective. The liquid nitrogen container is a special container for storing liquid nitrogen. The boiling point of liquid nitrogen (ie liquid temperature) is 195.8 degrees Celsius, and it is easy to volatilize and is not easy to store. Specially stored liquid nitrogen