尊敬的各位专家、各位学者、各位与会代表: 首先请允许我代表中国机械工程学会设备维修分会,对各位不辞辛苦、风尘仆仆从全国各地来到北京,积极支持设备诊断这一高新技术,前来参加’97全国设备诊断技术学术会议,表示最热烈的欢迎和最衷心的感谢。 我们这次学术年会是继1995年11月在武汉召开的第八届年会后,经过了一年多的筹备召开的。今天
Distinguished experts, scholars, and delegates: First of all, let me represent the equipment maintenance branch of the China Mechanical Engineering Society. I would like to take care of the high-tech equipment diagnosis from all over the country. Participated in the ’97 National Conference on Equipment Diagnostic Technology, expressed its warmest welcome and most sincere thanks. Our academic annual meeting was held after the eighth annual meeting held in November 1995 in Wuhan. Nowadays