我们在近2年期间对32例颈椎间盘突出的非手术患者采用中西医结合方法治疗,其中16例随访1~2年,取得了满意疗效,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 32例患者中,男19例,女13例,年龄32~46岁,平均年龄为42.6岁。病史2~8个月,全部病例均经颈椎MRI确诊。根据临床症状、体征及椎间盘向椎管内突出的位置不同分为三型:①侧方突出型;②旁中央突出型;③中央突出型。本组病人侧方突出型16例,椎间盘突出部位在后纵韧带的外侧,钩椎关节的内侧,因该处是颈脊神经经过的位置,突出的椎间盘压迫脊神经而产生根性症状。本组病人主要症状为患侧上肢麻木,疼痛。其痛疼症状可因咳嗽等而加剧,其中有4例疼痛斜颈,肌肉痉挛及头部活动受限,被动活动颈部及从头部向下作纵轴方向加压时,可引起疼痛加剧。患侧上肢肌力减退及腱反射减低。旁中央
We in the past 2 years 32 cases of cervical disc herniation non-surgical treatment of patients with Integrative Medicine, of which 16 were followed up for 1 to 2 years and achieved satisfactory results, are as follows. 1 Clinical data 32 patients, 19 males and 13 females, aged 32 to 46 years, with an average age of 42.6 years. History of 2 to 8 months, all cases were confirmed by cervical MRI. According to clinical symptoms, signs and disc to the spinal canal prominent position is divided into three types: ① lateral prominence; ② next to the central prominent type; ③ central prominent type. The group of patients with lateral prominent type 16 cases, disc herniation in the lateral posterior longitudinal ligament, the medial side of the hook joint, because there is the location of the cervical nerve, prominent disc herniation caused by spinal nerve root symptoms. The main symptoms of this group of patients with ipsilateral upper limb numbness, pain. The painful symptoms may be exacerbated by cough and the like. Among them, there are 4 cases of torticollis, muscle spasms and head movement restriction. Passive activities of the neck and downward pressure on the longitudinal axis from the head may cause aggravating pain . Ipsilateral upper limb muscle strength decreased and tendon reflexes. Next to the center