
来源 :广东档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahutxhb
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45年是一个小数目,我们在回顾广东档案事业发展历程时,却碰到了一串串大数目。档案馆室从小到大,馆藏量从少到多,基础设施从差到好,这种演变,体现了广东档案人的探索、追求、奋斗的历程。广东省档案局成立于1959年3月,广东省档案馆成立于同年11月,40多年来广东档案事业得到了很大的发展。档案行政管理部门在历次机构改革中得到了加强,目前,省、市、县(区)三级均实行局、馆合一体制,履行行政管理和档案保管利用两种职能。全省145个市、县(区)中有143个设立了档案局。21个地级以上市档案局,正局级有11个,副局级10个。共有专职档案干部2072人,其中有研究馆员技术职称的13人,副研究馆员技术职称的43人,馆员技术职称203人,助理馆员技术职称的398人。省档案局(馆)为副厅级单位,内设9个正处级处、部、室,编制93个,其中实行依照公务员管理33个,事业编制60个。局馆有博士研究生2人,硕士研究生5人,本科生37人,大专生24人;研究馆员8人,副研究馆员13人,馆员23人。全省各级各类档案馆有199个,其中综合档案馆144个,专门档案馆19个,部门档案馆21个,企业档案馆15个。 45 years is a small number. When we reviewed the development of the Guangdong archives career, we encountered a series of large numbers. Archives from small to large, from less to more collections, infrastructure from poor to good, this evolution reflects the Guangdong archives to explore, the pursuit of the course of struggle. Guangdong Provincial Archives Bureau was established in March 1959, and the Guangdong Provincial Archives was founded in November of the same year. For more than 40 years, the archival work in Guangdong has been greatly developed. The administrative departments of archives have been strengthened in the previous institutional reforms. At present, the three levels of the provinces, cities and counties (districts) all implement the functions of the bureau and the museum in conformity with one system, performing administrative functions and keeping and using archives. 143 of the 145 cities and counties (districts) in the province have set up the archives bureau. 21 prefecture-level cities Archives Bureau, there are 11 at the bureau level, 10 deputy director level. A total of 2072 full-time file cadres, of whom 13 were research librarian technical titles, associate research librarian technical titles 43, librarian technical titles 203, assistant librarian technical titles 398 people. Provincial Archives Bureau (Museum) as the deputy departmental level unit, equipped with nine at the departmental level, department, room, prepared 93, of which implemented in accordance with the civil service management 33, 60 career preparation. The bureau has 2 doctoral students, 5 master's degree candidates, 37 undergraduates and 24 junior college students; 8 research librarians, 13 associate research librarians and 23 librarians. There are 199 archives of various kinds at all levels in the province, including 144 comprehensive archives, 19 specialized archives, 21 departmental archives and 15 enterprise archives.
科学投喂饲料,既利于鱼类的快速生长,又能合理节省饲料,达到高产高效益的目的。其方法可概括为“四定”和“四看”。 1 四定 一是定质。即投喂的精饲料或青饲料具有较高的营
重庆南川市与福建省福清市大湖洋养殖公司双方在经过实地考察论证的基础上合资合作开发鳗鱼养殖。至目前,通过引种成功,并经过110天的饲养,鳗鱼长势喜人,已由引进时的5cm 长
鱼塘水中放养鱼苗,利用鱼塘水面及其周边草地放游和牧养鹅群,同步得鱼、得鹅产品,是加快致富的一项好门路。 鹅是吃死食并以青草野菜和适量喂给粮谷精,粗饲料的大体型家养水