
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyr2007
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纷繁复杂的天文现象中,最壮美奇丽的莫过于日全食了。今年春节的日全食将给节日增添欢乐的气氛。古时候,由于缺乏科学知识,人们对日食总是怀着恐惧的心理,认为这是天龙、天狗在吞食太阳,于是举行击鼓、射击等仪式来驱赶它们。要是日食发生在春节,更是觉得大 Among the most complicated astronomical phenomena, the most magnificent and wonderful are the total solar eclipse. The total solar eclipse of the Spring Festival this year will give the festival a joyous atmosphere. In ancient times, due to a lack of scientific knowledge, people were always scared of the eclipse. They thought it was a dragon. Tengu devouring the sun, and drumming, firing and other rituals were held to drive them away. If the eclipse occurred in the Spring Festival, but also feel great