1引言 吸入性呼吸道烧伤所引起的急性喉头、颈部水肿或环形焦痂压迫气管等常引起窒息,气管切开是迅速解除窒息、挽救生命的有效措施,但术中操作不严谨、术后观察不细,或治理不当又常会发生再窒息而再次危及生命[1]。本文报道28例患儿气管切开后再窒息的紧急处理及原因
1 Introduction Inhalation respiratory tract burns caused by acute laryngeal, neck edema or annular eschar esophageal compression often cause suffocation, tracheotomy is an effective measure to quickly remove asphyxia and save lives, but the operation is not rigorous surgery, postoperative observation Not fine, or improper governance and often happen again suffocation and life-threatening again [1]. This article reports 28 patients with tracheotomy emergency treatment and cause of asphyxia