创新设计,引领潮流 步步高DVD迷你音响VS1000采用 灵动飘逸的创新设计,没有传统大音 响笨重的束缚与烦琐,突破传统台式 音响单一、沉闷的摆放格局。它采用 各自成体,分合自由的人性化设计理 念,主机、左右音箱、低音炮既独立 又统一。无论置于桌面、书架或窗台 上,还是壁挂于墙面,连接平板电视, 它都可以与家居环境完美结合,让你 可以自由地布置属于自己的影音空 间。你更可以将低音炮隐藏于任何角 落,通过遥控器自由掌控,一切尽在
Innovative design, leading the trend BBK mini audio VS1000 Smart and elegant innovative design, no traditional loud speaker cumbersome and cumbersome, breaking the traditional desktop audio single, boring layout. It uses their own adult, free and humane design concept, the host, left and right speakers, subwoofer both independent and unified. Whether it is placed on the desktop, bookshelf or windowsill, or wall-mounted, connected to the flat-screen TV, it can be combined with the home environment, allowing you to freely arrange their own audio and video space. You can hide the subwoofer in any corner, free control by the remote control, everything