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《解放军报》编者的话:在党中央和毛主席的伟大号召下,无产阶级文化大革命,正以雷霆万钧之力,排山倒海之势,在全国范围内轰轰烈烈地展开。广大的工农兵群众、革命干部和革命知识分子,以毛泽东思想为武器,正在横扫钻进党内的资产阶级代表人物,横扫一切牛鬼蛇神,横扫一切腐朽的剥削阶级的意识形态。在这场极其尖锐极其复杂的阶级斗争中,认真学习毛主席的《在中国共产党全国宣传工作会议上的讲话》,有着特别重要的意义。毛主席这篇著作和《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》,是我国和各国革命思想运动、文艺运动的历史经验的最新的总结,是马克思列宁主义世界观和文艺理论的新发展,是兴无灭资、横扫一切牛鬼蛇神的强大的思想武器。钻进党内打着“红旗”反红旗的资产阶级代表人物,拼命地篡改和歪曲这篇“讲话”的精神实质,来反对毛泽东思想,反对无产阶级专政,为资本主义复辟开辟道路。这正说明他们非常害怕这篇“讲话”。敌人越是反对,越是害怕,我们就越是要更好地学习这篇著作,以这篇著作为武器,戳穿他们的画皮,彻底粉碎他们反党反社会主义的反革命阴谋,把无产阶级文化大革命进行到底。为了帮助大家学好这篇著作,我们编写了这个辅导材料,供连队的同志们学习参考。 In the words of the editor of the Liberation Army Daily: With the great call of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, the great proletarian cultural revolution is being vigorously conducted in a nationwide scale with the force of a thunderclap and with tremendous power. The vast numbers of workers, peasants and soldiers as well as revolutionary cadres and revolutionary intellectuals are using Mao Tse-tung’s thought as a weapon to sweep the bourgeois representative who has penetrated into the Party and sweeping through all the monsters and zombies and sweeping the ideology of all the decadent exploiting classes. Studying Chairman Mao’s “Speech at the National Propaganda Work Conference of the Communist Party of China” in this extremely sharp and extremely complicated class struggle is of special significance. This book by Chairman Mao and the “Question on Handling Contradictions among the People Correctly” are the latest summary of the historical experience of the revolutionary ideological and literary movements of our country and various countries and are the new development of the Marxist-Leninist world outlook and literary theory. Kill capital, swept all the powerful monster zombie ideological weapons. Drilled into the party, the “bourgeois” representative of the “red flag” opposing the red flag desperately distorted and distorted the essence of this “speech” to oppose Mao Tse-tung’s thought and oppose the dictatorship of the proletariat and open up the restoration of capitalism the way. This shows that they are very scared of this “speech ”. The more we oppose the enemy and the more we are afraid, the more we must study this book better, use this work as a weapon to pierce their painting skins and thoroughly smash their anti-Party and anti-socialist counterrevolutionary conspiracies. Put the proletarian culture The revolution in the end. In order to help everyone learn this book, we have compiled this tutorial material for the comrades in the company to learn from.
为了检验金盛华于 1 989年提出的“性别助长假设” ,采用现场实验探讨观众魅力对性别助长效应的干涉作用。 32个中专学生 (男女各半 )在 4种观众条件下测试BAH时间。结果表明