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经证实.东山墅的“楼王”(A 户型.建筑面积1149.66)以4880万人民币的高价拍卖成功.而这位神秘买家正是一位年轻的地产界老总.看来.地产界不仅是成就富豪的行业.也是让富豪大把花钱的地方。观唐曾有一段时间推出9折优惠.连业内人士都称赞其技术精良.600-700万/套.赢得了不少人气。但个别地产人士放话:观唐感观虽好,却不敢让人下决心掏钱,这正应了地产界流行的一种观点:对站在浪尖上的事物不认同.就是没文化的表现。业内某资深人士第一次看到清华坊,非常兴奋。找遍成都.终于成功结识这位天才设计师.并成功介绍其进军地产界。现在该设计师已成功在北京注册公司.并在优山美地三期有杰出表现.还一举拿下鲁能集团在山东所有住宅的设计权.真可谓遇见贵人、名利双收。据了解.小汤山区域今年别墅项目供应量奇大。有 N 个项目要隆重开盘.看来.继非典之后.该区域欲 Confirmed .Dongshan villa “Lou Wang ” (A unit. Construction area of ​​?? 1149.66) auctioned at a high price of 48.8 million yuan .And the mysterious buyer is a young real estate boss .It appears that real estate Not only is the industry to make rich, but also for the rich to spend a lot of money. View Tang has for some time introduced 10% discount. Even the industry praised its sophisticated technology .600-700 million / set. Has won a lot of popularity. However, some real estate people put it down: Tang concept is good view of Tang, but did not dare to make people determined to pay, which should be popular in the real estate industry point of view: standing on the cusp of things do not agree. Performance. For the first time, a veteran in the industry saw Tsinghua Fong Square very excited. Finding Chengdu, finally succeeded in getting to know this talented designer and successfully introducing her into the real estate industry. Now the designer has successfully registered a company in Beijing and Yushanmei Phase III outstanding performance, but also won the Luneng Group in Shandong all the design of the right to housing, really met the elegant, fame and fortune. It is understood that this year Xiaotangshan villa project supply a huge amount. There are N items to be grand opening. It seems that following the SARS