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什么是幸福?人们对幸福内涵的理解、认识、要求各有所异,也随时间地点环境不同而变化。幸福是指使人心情舒畅的境遇和生活,也就是生活和境遇称心如意。幸福的内涵包括广泛的含义,如吃穿住行福寿禄、婚姻状况两性生活、家庭环境条件地位、工资待遇人际关系、兴趣爱好自我感受等。但食与性是幸福的最基本内涵,是人所离不开的。人只有吃饭才能生存下去,有性生活才能繁衍后代,否则就会饿死或自消自灭,那就无从谈及幸福了。 What is happiness? People's understanding of happiness, understanding, requirements vary, but also varies with the time and place environment. Happiness refers to the situation and life that makes people feel comfortable, that is, the well-being of life and situation. The connotation of happiness includes a wide range of meanings, such as eating and living through welfare, civil and marital status, status of family environment, wage and salary relationships, hobbies and self-feelings. However, food and sexuality are the most basic connotations of happiness and are inseparable from human beings. People can only survive by eating, sexual life can multiply offspring, otherwise they will starve to death or self-extinguishing, it is impossible to talk about happiness.