鉴古知今 继往开来——《大清相国》导演王晓鹰创作心得

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《大清相国》小说自出版后就颇受关注。中国国家话剧院曾想排这部戏,联系作者后得知小说改编的版权已经给了上海话剧中心,正在遗憾之际,我就收到了上海话剧中心的邀请。有情之人做无情之事《大清相国》塑造了以康熙王朝名臣陈廷敬为主要代表的宦海群相,反映了在特定历史境遇中,一个官场人物在道德和行为上的艰难选择。陈廷敬所处的现实环境,不但要生存,还要克服困难实现政治抱负,令人感叹唏嘘。 Since the publication of “Qing Qing Guo Guo” novels has drawn much attention. China National Theater once wanted to arrange the show. After contacting the author, I learned that the copyright of the novel has been given to the Shanghai Drama Center. On the occasion of regret, I received an invitation from the Shanghai Theater Center. Emotional people doing merciless things “The Qing Dynasty and the Country” shaped the Huanhai group, which is mainly represented by Chen Tingjing, a famous emperor in Kangxi Dynasty. It reflects the difficult moral and behavioral choices of a official figure in a given historical situation. The real environment in which Chen Tingjing lives is not only to survive but also to overcome the difficulties and realize political aspirations.