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在当今喧嚣的社会环境氛围中,保有内心的一份宁静,我们也许才能真正到达精神的彼岸。宁静意味着不汲汲于名利权势,不以物喜,不以己悲;意味着要有得意淡然、失意泰然的心境。唯有如此,致远才能成为可能。陶渊明鄙弃俗世的喧嚣,隐居世外,采菊东篱,寻获一份属于自己的宁静。基于这份宁静,他才得 In today’s noisy atmosphere of the social environment, to maintain a quiet heart, we may actually be able to reach the other side of the spirit. Quiet means not to learn from the fame and fortune, not joy, not to be sad; meaning that there should be indifferent, frustrated mood. Only in this way can Zhiyuan be possible. Tao Yuanming despised the hustle and bustle of the secular world, seclusion, mining Chrysanthemum, find a quiet of their own. Because of this tranquility, he got it
婕西是一位19岁的英国摄影师。她喂养了一只非常可爱的“鼠小妹”。她喜欢它清澈的眼神和柔软的小爪子。她把它当成一个淘气小女孩,拍下了许多生动迷人的照片。一起来欣赏一下吧——     有话说:  想不到吧,一只不起眼的小动物竟然也能成为美丽的模特!  请你摆几个充满创意的pose,用画笔为自己画几张自画像,配上幽默台词吧!