
来源 :艺术与设计(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnkfxndz
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高度城市化、国际化进程和现代传播媒介的发展,使北京民俗艺术也向都市空间倾斜,越来越显著地融合于城市的语境。原有的民俗艺术渐渐改变了曾经的存在环境,在当下都市环境下产生巨大变化,最为重要的标志就是呈现出双重形态——一方面在逐渐消解自身,另一方面又在都市语境中形成了新的综合的形态;北京都市民俗艺术的运用与更新,应遵循在当下语境中发生的消解与重构的双重状态,采取与之对应的双重策略。 The development of highly urbanized, internationalized and modern media has also made Beijing’s folklore more inclined to urban space and more and more significantly integrated into the urban context. The original folk art has gradually changed the existing environment and has undergone tremendous changes in the current urban environment. The most important sign is that it shows a double form - on the one hand it gradually dissolves itself and on the other hand it forms in the urban context A new integrated form. The application and renewal of urban folk arts in Beijing should follow the dual state of digestion and reconstruction in the current context and adopt a corresponding dual strategy.