In recent years, the medical profession has made remarkable progress, while on the other hand, it has also increased the number of hosts with underlying diseases and weakened resistance to infection. This makes opportunistic infections (infections caused by normal or weak germs) an extremely important part of routine care. The prevalence of cholelithiasis, which is the cause of liver and biliary tract infections, has been increasing in Europe and the United States in the eating habits and in the advanced age. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy of pancreatic and biliary system tumors that cause obstructive jaundice keep patients in a state of low sustained resistance and increase opportunistic infections, making the infection of the liver and biliary tract more refractory. As a result of unreasonable use of broad-spectrum chemotherapy, there are flora and more antibacterial agents. First, the liver, biliary chance infection causes 1. Host reasons Bacterial infections, the development of liver and biliary tract infections play a very important role. The opportunistic infections occur more often when host resistance is low. Can be divided into systemic infection status and liver and gallbladder local factors two