
来源 :实用妇科与产科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seed_weed1
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关于臀位的处理.无论是产前需否协助纠正胎位,或者采取何种分娩方式,至今仍是一个有争论的问题。关于产前需否做外倒转术,亦即究竟外倒转能否降低臀位分娩率,文献所述意见不一。这里涉及单胎臀位妊娠有多少在孕末期可自然回转成头位。 With regard to the management of the breech, whether or not prenatal assistance to correct the fetal position, or the mode of delivery, is still a matter of debate. On the need for prenatal external inversion surgery, that is, whether the external inversion can reduce the breech delivery rate, the views expressed in different opinions. Here relates to the number of single-fetal breech pregnancy, the number of spontaneous gyrations at the end of the first position.